Friday, February 24, 2023


Jean-Toussaint Desanti he was my professor of philosophy at the Sorbonne. He was friend with Sartre and Malraux and was the professor of Michel Foucault and Jacques Derrida. He taught me phenomenology with a clarity that I will never forget. One day I asked him how to create a new philosophy and he said to me you have to sit in the failure of a system then only two things can happen either the system stays strong and then it is a solid one or the system explodes and you found something new. Last time I saw him it was at the Grand Oral exam on Husserl at the Sorbonne in which he gave me the maximum grade and at the end of the exam he told me that I should learn Corsican because we shared the same origin of being both from this island. He used to always have 5 books open on his desk at all time that would change but there was one that was always open and that was the Metaphysics of Aristotle. I will never forget that man who had the three great qualities for a philosopher, extraordinary clarity, extraordinary kindness and extraordinary silence.

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